Call for Participants
Microgrids augment the traditional approach of central national electricity grids with local control and local power generation thus reducing transmission losses, lowering energy cost, and insulating communities from external disruption. Problems faced by communities when implementing microgrids are: (1) a lack of accessible tools to manage and control the grid at a micro-level; and (2) a lack of education in how to use microgrids.
This workshop will bring together specialists, to discuss the issues and potential solutions of micro-grids, from three domains: wireless sensing and embedded computing; renewable energy; and social scientists. The aims of the workshop are to (1) inform the development of wireless devices and tools to support integrated community-based microgrids and microgeneration control; (2) map the current gaps in education and technology that make them inaccessible or difficult to apply.
Under the Researcher Links scheme offered within the Newton Fund, the British Council, CNPq and CONFAP/FAPESP a workshop on the above theme will be held in Florianópolis, Brazil (at UFSC Smart Solar Building), between February 15th and 20th. The workshop is being coordinated by Prof. Elena Gaura (Coventry University, UK) and Prof. Dr. Antônio Augusto Fröhlich (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil), and will have contributions from other leading researchers Dr. André Ramos (UFSC), Dr. James Brusey (Coventry), Dr. John Halloran (Coventry), Dr. Ricardo Rüther (UFSC).
We are now inviting Early Career Researchers (PhD obtained in less than 10 years), from the UK and Brazil, to attend and this workshop. It is expected Early Career Researchers applicants will be from three key scientific areas: renewable energy, wireless sensing, and social sciences. Participation is free and successful applicants will receive all expenses covering travel and accommodation incurred for attending.
A number of sessions during the workshop focus on ECR development including paper writing, grant proposal development, and working with communities of end-users. All ECR participants will also have access to a mentor during and after the workshop.
During the workshop we will launch details of a multi-discplinary network. This collaborative network will allow for collaborative research activities to be organised by international institutes. Furthermore the platform will also allow the ECR participants to initiate new research activities.
The proceedings of the workshop will not only include the papers presented and discussed at the workshop, but also a short white paper, reflecting the discussions during the workshop. The white paper will be written cooperatively by all attendees, lead by the workshop organisers during and after the workshop.
Newton Research Links
This workshop is being delivered as a part of the Newton Researcher Links workshop project between Coventry University and Federal University of Santa Catarina. Newton Researcher Links are designed to provide financial support to bring together a UK and Brazilian cohort of early career researchers to take part in a workshop focusing on building links for future collaboration and enhancing the researchers’ career opportunities.
The Newton Fund is a £375 million fund (£75 million a year for five years) which, through science and innovation partnerships aims to promote the economic development and welfare of low income populations in developing countries. The Fund is overseen by the Department for Businesses Innovation and Skills (BIS) and delivered through 15 delivery partners in collaboration with 15 partnering countries.
How to Apply
Early Career Researchers (PhD obtained in less than 10 years) from the UK and Brazil are invited to apply to attend the workshop. We are inviting early career researchers applicants with experience in the following three domains: Clean, Renewable Energy and Smart Grids, Wireless Sensing, and Social Sciences.
Applicants are required to submit an application form, available here, along with a short position paper/statement of research (max 2 pages). Your submission must be in PDF format with all fonts embedded, and be formatted according to IEEE 8.5x11 conference format, and formatted in accordance with the IEEE Computer Society author guidelines. All submissions must be uploaded to Easy Chair before the deadline of December 24th 2015.
Successful applicants will receive expenses covering travel and accommodation expenses incurred for attending the conference. This stipend is provide by the Newton Researcher Links grant.
Selection Criteria
The organization will select 17 Early Career Researchers from UK and 17 from Brazil. The selection criteria are:
- Less than 10 years since being awarded the PhD
- Experience and relevance of the applicant's research area to the workshop
- Motivation and contribution to the aims of the workshop
- Long term impact expected through the participation in the workshop
- Ability to disseminate workshop's outcomes
- Participants must have a research or academic position